Владелец Алина Число скачиваний: 428
JSPI teachers: Usmonova U, Usmonov A.
It is clear that speaking is a procces of oral express as a type of speech. Speaking consists of using lexic grammatic and pronunciatical events in a language in order to express any idea. In this field any idea plays main role. Till this time the term of speech or oral speech have been used instead of speaking in teaching foreign language. However, it has already found its role .That`s why it is looked as a main part of learning and teaching foreign language. Students often think that the speaking ability in a language is the product of language learning, but speaking is also an essential part of the language learning process. In the teaching process we constantly come across such kind of problems as learners are mixed class with different abilities, knowledge and various learning styles. At this time we need to set a programm or plan that services to improve learners speaking skills. For instance we can create any effective speaking strategies that help to developing this skills such as.