pdf Formation of Teachers’ Deontological Readiness


Prof. Dr. Kertaeva Kaliabanu Mahmetovna

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Moldasheva AnarKuangalievna

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yessimova Dinara Dautovna

Abstract. This article is devoted to the deontological readiness of future teachers to the professional activities. The article examines the questions of working with children of deviant behavior in health saving school conditions and patriotic education. The main aspects and directions of the university work for the formation of future teachers with deontological readiness are discussed. Kazakhstani, Russian and worldwide experience of studying this problem is analyzed in this article. Key words: deontology, readiness, professional readiness, professional duty, self-consciousness, consciousness, credo, deviation, health saving school, health saving space, health, psychological, spiritual and social health, patriotic education.