Владелец Алина Число скачиваний: 434
Sagidolla Mukhtarovich Dosmakhov, Serikbolat Aldungarovich Talzhanov,
Layla Taymyrovna Malayeva, Galina Nikolaevna Chistyakova,
Gaukhar Makhanovna Zhangozhina, Uzakbay Altynbaevich Suimukhanov,
Aydyn Imankeshovich Amanzholov
Buketov Karaganda State University
(Karaganda, Kazakhstan)
Annotation. This article deals with peculiarity of history of small and medium business in market economy during the year of independence in Kazakhstan Republic and problems of mainstreaming of entrepreneurship in modern stage. Industrial – innovative programs receiving in the country are major source for business connecting with development of this economy sector. As a result of making analysis were determined types of performing products in small and medium business, development of business geography in regional and republican measures. This article deals with innovational ways of development of individual entrepreneur, establishment of national system of implementation of venture capital investments which can include substantial contribution in development of Kazakhstan economy.
Key words: economics, industry, innovation, business, micro-economics, entrepreneurship, statistics, programs, venture, company.