Владелец Алина Число скачиваний: 413
Ниёзова Юлдуз Ташмурадовна
г. Карши, Узбекистан
Annotation. This article explores a variety of didactic techniques that stimulate collaborative efforts of the EFL teachers and students. It examines whether creativity and autonomy can be fuzzed in a classroom teaching paradigm. It also discusses creative pathways to independent learning. Those issues of learning English are researched and implemented with regard to the present Omani socio-cultural context. The paper discusses the concept of motivation in the current academic context in Oman. Taking into account both intrinsic and extrinsic types of motivation, which can be positive or negative in nature, the paper examines how those frames may serve educational ends. While authoritarian academic system is built on accountability prompting envy and rivalry, humanistic-affective (suggestopedic) paradigm has as its pillar positive motivation for the learner based on appreciation and encouragement that drive curiosity and exploration. Thus, there is no need for extrinsic incentives, because the activity itself is rewarding. Researchers have revealed that the success in learning depends on the learner’s attitude towards the target. It has been observed that, through the interplay of extrinsic and intrinsic mechanisms, poorly motivated students gradually develop an autonomous love for learning from within. Teachers may initially influence students with extrinsic stimuli, but it must fade away as the students get more intrinsically motivated.
Keywords: Autonomy, Critical Thinking, Writing, Motivation