Владелец Алина Число скачиваний: 428
Научный консультант: Абдувахобова Махина Азатовна
Автор: Миликова Мафтуна Акмалжоновна
Шахрисабз, Узбекистан
As Ginzburg overstated that wordformation was the process of creating new words from the material available in the language after certain structural and semantic formulas and patterns [1999: 27]. “Wordformation is that branch of the science of language which the patterns on which a language forms new lexical units, including words” [Marchard 1960]. “With regard to compounding, prefixing and suffixing wordformation proceeds either on a native or on a foreign basis of coining. By wordformation on a foreign basis of coining we understand derivation on the morphologic basis of another language. In English most learned, scientific or technical words are formed on the morphologic basis of Latin or Greek”. Synchronically the most important and the most productive ways of wordformation are: affixation, conversion, and word-composition.