Владелец Алина Число скачиваний: 467
Djumaeva G.A
(Karshi Uzbekistan )
In the modern world the value of information-communication technologies is great. During the years of independence of our country reached great achievements in the sphere of information technologies. Our president Islam Karimov paid great attention to the integration of our country in the world of innovation technologies. The great impulse to this process gave the resolution of our president since 21 March 2012 “About the expedient of the further introduction and development of modern information – communication technologies”. The relevance of this theme in the present time is so important in all sphere of education . In modern world the introduction of innovation technologies take part in the modernization of educational- pastoral process ,activate brainpower of our learners , help to develop our teachers` creativity . You have a chance to teach remote your learners, also it develop the system of constant education and all of them raise the effectiveness of educational system.