Владелец Алина Число скачиваний: 406
Назирова Ойгул Мухитдиновна, Шокирбаев Илёс Неъматжонович
Наманган, Узбекистан
Motivation itself means the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way, desire or willingness to do something, the act or an instance of motivating, first used at the late XIX century, originated from the word “motive” which means the reason for a certain course of action, whether conscious or unconscious. The word “motivate” is a verb which means provide someone with a reason for doing something or to give incentive to. [1] So in general motivation can be defined as awakening, emboldening, promoting, encouraging, selecting, direction and continuation of behavior. That is why, it is often used to describe particular classes of behavior. For example, a person or learner who does well and studies hard, tries for high levels is may be called "highly motivated", while this person’s friend can say that he/she is it is difficult for them “to get motivated”. These kinds of statements mean that motivation has a big impact on our behavior. We also can define motivation as a notion which is used to describe the causes (factors) within an individual which arouse, maintain and channel leading behavior towards a goal. Another way to say is that motivation is goal-directed behavior.