Владелец Алина Число скачиваний: 434
ZhenisovaGulmiraZhenisovna-senior Lecturer.
Atyrau State University H. Dosmukhamedov,city Atyrau.
ЖенисоваГульмираЖенисовна-старший преподователь.
Атырауский государственный университет имени Х.Досмухамедова
Город Атырау
Considering the problem of formation of civilization in its historical aspect, it should be noted that civil personality traits are determined by the values that have been adopted in a particular historical period of social development.Reassessment of values led to changes in the relationship between man and the surrounding social environment. Mearsure of value, and values- social category, have targeted people who act in their social and universally valid form. Every major era has its own set of basic values, the content of which depends on the prevailing worldview.