Владелец Алина Число скачиваний: 442
Gafurova Gulruh Bahtiyarovna
Djizakh,Uzbekistan Djizakh
State Pedagogical institute
“Nothing limits intelligence more than ignorance; nothing fosters ignorance more than one's own opinions; nothing strengthens opinions more than refusing to look at reality.” Sheri S. Tepper The resources are great, but they are not helping people who are blind navigate the college experience — they are just helping them navigate the classroom experience, and that is not what college is about. Some students may be interested to learn more about the history of visual impairments. People who were blind were not always treated well. This page provides historical perspectives on how people who are blind and visually impaired have been viewed by society and the chronological events in the education of those who are blind and visually impaired. This section provides resources for those interested in entering the vision field as well as information for those currently in the vision field. Resources include where to locate webinars and other sources of professional development, universities offering vision programs, resource books, journal resources, news in the field of visual impairments and job postings within the field. Students who are blind or visually impaired are a very diverse group.