Владелец Олег Число скачиваний: 385
Midliar Alla, Babchynska Olena
Vinnytsia, Ukraine
No doubt many supply chain management executives, reeling from technology projects that failed to deliver what they promised, wish at times that they too could fill their teams' ears with wax and tie themselves to some imaginary mast. Indeed, having just passed the dangerous seas of advanced planning systems (APS) implementations, many supply chain executives and malingers are now hearing the calls of SCM's latest siren: supply chain event management (SCEM). Is this a new promise that will result in real benefit? Or is it yet another illusion that will end with careers wrecked and millions of dollars thrown after mirages of value that never materialize? The answer to these questions is still in the balance: in the end. It depends on how SCEM succeeds as a process discipline and not as a technology.