Владелец Алина Число скачиваний: 439
Эргашева Раъно Тураевна
город Карши, республика Узбекистан
It is obvious that in the 21st century, the trend of globalization is leading to closer relationships between countries. Of all the different languages, English, as a global/international language (EGL/EIL) or a Lingua Franca (ELF), is widely used in communication between people and countries. The English language has spread and developed globally, which is a fact that cannot be ignored. As the main foreign language taught and employed in communication with foreigners, the use of English has dramatically increased in Uzbekistan. The decree of the president of the republic of Uzbekistan on measures for further enhancement of the system of teaching of foreign languages (Tashkent, December 10, 2012) enlarges our possibilities to introduce and implement the advanced foreign language teaching methods with the use modern and information - communication technologies.