Владелец Алина Число скачиваний: 435
Киёмова Гузал
город Карши, республика Узбекистан
“Any human anywhere will blossom in a hundred unexpected talents and capacities simply by being given the opportunity to do so.” (Doris Lessing) Doris Lessing, a British author of modern fiction, was born on 22 October 1919 in Persia. In 1925, she moved with her parents, who were of British origin, to a farm in Southern Rhodesia, where she spent her childhood. She is, without any doubt, ranked among the most famous post-war English novelists. In 2007 she was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, as the oldest person who has ever won this prize (she was 87 years old). In the 1940s Lessing joined the Communist Party, which influenced her political thinking a lot. Nonetheless, her political ideas have changed directions many times in the course of her life. Doris Lessing is a prolific and talented English writer after the World War II. As a female writer, Lessing has produced numerous works during her writing career, which cover a wide range of topics and demonstrate various styles.